God's Word Alone

A Brief Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions


The gospel and the Lutheran Confessions are synonymous.

This study will help class members understand the formal confessions of the church to which they belong. In the process they will better understand the gospel that the reformers rediscovered in God’s Word.

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This study shows how the Lutheran Confessions fit into the history of the Lutheran church and gives the class a taste of the confessions by having them read sample sections. This was written for people who are unfamiliar with the Lutheran Confessions. Teaching Index 7

Lesson 1: The three Ecumenical Creeds: “The Ancient Church’s Confession”

Lesson 2: The Small and Large Catechisms: “The People’s Confession”

Lesson 3: The Augsburg Confession and Apology: “The Princes’ Confession”

Lesson 4: The Smalcald Articles: “Luther’s Confession”

Lesson 5: The Formula of Concord: “The Theologians’ Confession”

This Bible study contains PDF and RTF files of the student lessons and a PDF file of the leader’s guide.