“Elephants” represent the major theological conclusions of evolution. We often say “there are elephants in the room” when people make small talk but know they are avoiding the big issues. The creation/evolution debate has generated much discussion on both sides. But sometimes the big issues, the elephants, are not part of the discussion. They remain hidden beneath the surface. The purpose of this book is to coax the elephants out of hiding. In this book we watch 13 “elephants” enter the room and crowd out the message of the Christian faith. One elephant will be left.
What will you find in this book? Elephants in the Room presents five main topics of the Christian religion culminating with the work of Jesus Christ. We will not rely on arguments from creation science, philosophy, or contemporary apologetics. God’s Word alone will describe the basic teachings of the Christian religion. Then, the words of theologians who want to combine evolution and Christianity will show the effect of evolution on the Christian faith. This book was written to help you recognize the elephants and sort through the issues.
In this book we watch 13 “elephants” enter the room and crowd out the message of the Christian faith. One elephant will be left. That one is covered in a second book, One More Elephant: Evolution Versus the Text of Scripture.
Robert Koester is a retired Lutheran minister and member of the Wisconsin Lutheran Synod. He has served congregations in the United States and Canada and for 19 years was the Bible study editor at Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is the author of several books and numerous Bible studies. He accepts the six 24-hour-day creation as described in Genesis 1 and 2.
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