God's Word Alone

Elephants in the Room: Evolution Versus the Message of Scripture


This Bible study is a companion resource to the book Elephants in the Room, which is available from NPH and this website.

The lessons in this study will help the class sort through the claims of theistic evolutionists, that is, those who want to merge Scripture’s account of creation with the conclusions of modern evolutionary science.

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When we say “there are elephants in the room,” we mean that people are ignoring important issues. Theistic evolution relies on ignoring key biblical teachings in order to appear reasonable.

Using God’s Word alone, Robert Koester breaks down evolutionary arguments and shows believers how to discern biblical teachings about creation from common doctrinal errors. Participants will gain a better ability to discuss these problems with others and avoid confusion about science’s relationship with God’s Word. Teaching Index: 7

This Bible study kit includes seven lessons that match up to the book’s chapters:

  • Lesson 1: What Is Theistic Evolution? The Big Picture
  • Lesson 2: The Creation From Beginning to End
  • Lesson 3: God’s Love Amidst Suffering
  • Lesson 4: Who We Are—According to Scripture
  • Lesson 5: Who We Are—According to Theistic Evolution
  • Lesson 6: Right and Wrong, Sin, Death, Judgment
  • Lesson 7: The Work of Jesus Christ

This course is part of the NPH Living My Faith series of Bible studies that helps participants apply the truths of the Bible to their Christian lives.

This Bible study contains PDF and RTF files of the student lessons and leader’s guide. Also included is a promotional tool kit to help advertise and promote the study.

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